
SalesTrak ™ is a web based Stock and Sales, Field Activity Tracking, Sales Planning and Forecasting Product. SalesTrak has various input modes to suit each company's choice and requirements viz

  1. Web based Data Input
  2. SMS Based Reporting
  3. Android / iOS App
  4. SIDSSOL BPO to process manual Hard Copies and Upload into SalesTrak.

SalesTrak has a unique Sales planning and Forecasting module, which is rationale based, depending on historical sales data and current stock level.

Sales Plan could be drawn using very few higher-level inputs and the system automatically generates plan for individual sales officer/territory wise plan.

SalesTrak could be integrated with companies ERP system to upload Primary Sales Data and could also interface with Custom Distributor Application through API or through XTEND-BOS (Distributor Inventory Management System).

SalesTrak has an exhaustive set of reporting modules including Pop Strata wise reports.