To design and develop a user friendly searchable E-Catalogue, which would be used by the Customers of Bhoruka Aluminum as an installable application, that will sync with the remote Database and update content automatically, as well as an online catalogue updated by the Admin.
a. Admin Module: To Create/Update the data and Images at real-time onto
the central database. Ability to Backup database and Directories.
b. Marketing Module: To view Client Registration Information, Login and
Update Details and indication of Mail receipt from Client. Message to add
Pop-Up messages to be viewed by the clients while they login.
c. Client Module:
1. Application Installed on the Desktop, which will have certain static pages of
showcasing and introduction along with a search catalogue (By Section No /
Category). Option to select a particular/ multiple sections and request for
quotation, wherein the mail will be sent to the Admin/Marketing Dept.
2. Individual Client Specific Automatic check for latest downloads available
(Data/Images and any updates to the software) depending on his last update
3. Receive Pop up messages from Marketing.
d. Web E-Catalogue: Online version of the Catalogue with capabilities to
search items based on Category and Section Number and request for Quote.